Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart by  I. T. Lucas Free Download

Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart by I. T. Lucas Free Download

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Download Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart pdf

Download the book "Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart" pdf written by " I. T. Lucas" and published on March 16, 2024 in PDF format, The file contains more than 401 pages.

About the Book: Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart

Margo's life takes an unexpected turn when she reunites with old friends aboard a cruise ship and discovers a world beyond her wildest dreams.

She soon learns that the man who saved her from the cartel is not human but an alien with god-like mind-control abilities who was genetically engineered to embody physical perfection.

He also holds the key to unlocking her own immortality, but for that to happen, she must fall in love with him first.

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